quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Self-Advocacy Solutions to School Problems - Captioned and Described

Disponível em http://youtu.be/JP3oSy92ub8

The social skills lesson builds upon a student, who is visually impaired, learning to communicate with a trusted adult about concerns/problems encountered at school. The video opens with the student making a good choice to move away from a peer who was bothersome. Through various scenarios, the student and teacher discuss problem-solving steps and how to benefit from them.

Title: Self-Advocacy Solutions to School Problems
School: Special School District of St. Louis County, Town and Country, Missouri
Year: 2012
Length: 3.00 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd—5th
Creative Developers: Karen Klein, Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (CTVI), Lakecha Hancock, Social Worker, and Harold Donovan, Video Communications Specialist, Hazelwood School District

In May 2012, the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee offered teachers, parents, and students with visual impairments across the United States and Canada an opportunity to submit a short video on the theme, "Social Skills: Lessons for the Real World." The contest provided a perfect opportunity to highlight a favorite lesson to teach social skills at home, school, or in the community.

View Lesson Guide: http://www.dcmp.org/guides/SelfAdvocacy.pdf

We are pleased to say the Described Caption Media Program (DCMP) partnered with the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee to provide captions and description for each video.

Captioning services provided by: Caption Perfect - http://www.captionperfect.com Caption Editors: Will Halman and Erin Gibbs

Description services provided by: Bridge Multimedia - http://www.bridgemultimedia.com

That's Me - Captioned and Described

Disponível em http://youtu.be/quc33OsIXVo

Learning to integrate listening skills in the classroom, community, and at home is critical for children with visual impairments. This lesson emphasizes the steps in using listening skills by recalling what classmates have said. Students practice asking questions that are related to a topic and then follow with asking additional on-topic questions. In this lesson, students listen to what was explained and learn to ask follow-up questions related to the topic. By using these skills, students will enhance their conversations among their peers. The key to the goal is to forge strategies to carry into real life.

Title: That's Me
School: Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
Year: 2012
Length: 2.47 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd—5th
Creative Developer: Jamie Lugo, Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (CTVI)

In May 2012, the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee offered teachers, parents, and students with visual impairments across the United States and Canada an opportunity to submit a short video on the theme, "Social Skills: Lessons for the Real World." The contest provided a perfect opportunity to highlight a favorite lesson to teach social skills at home, school, or in the community.

View Lesson Guide: http://www.dcmp.org/guides/ThatsMe.pdf

We are pleased to say the Described Caption Media Program (DCMP) partnered with the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee to provide captions and description for each video.

Captioning services provided by: Caption Perfect - http://www.captionperfect.com Caption Editors: Will Halman and Erin Gibbs

Description services provided by: Bridge Multimedia - http://www.bridgemultimedia.com

Off-Topic / On-Topic - Captioned and Described

Disponível em http://youtu.be/JUJ8MsZYtc4

Recognizing off-topic and on-topic conversational comments and questions are key areas for this social skills video lesson. Through the lesson's activities, students with visual impairments will become more familiar with how to build conversations with peers and adults. The end goal is for the students to carry these social skill strategies into real life.

Title: Off-Topic/On-Topic
School: Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
Year: 2012
Length: 4.00 minutes
Grade Level: 7th—12th
Creative Developer: Julie Novak, Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (CTVI)

In May 2012, the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee offered teachers, parents, and students with visual impairments across the United States and Canada an opportunity to submit a short video on the theme, "Social Skills: Lessons for the Real World." The contest provided a perfect opportunity to highlight a favorite lesson to teach social skills at home, school, or in the community.

View Lesson Guide: http://www.dcmp.org/guides/OffTopicOnTopic.pdf

We are pleased to say the Described Caption Media Program (DCMP) partnered with the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee to provide captions and description for each video.

Captioning services provided by: Caption Perfect - http://www.captionperfect.com Caption Editors: Will Halman and Erin Gibbs

Description services provided by: Bridge Multimedia - http://www.bridgemultimedia.com

Programa Especial- Zé entrevista o atleta de arremesso Vanderson Alves

Disponível em http://youtu.be/o7EO6smcTOk

Fernanda Honorato entrevista Clodoaldo Silva

Disponível em http://youtu.be/D90i24xHT0o

Juliana Oliveira entrevista Paulo Cruz, técnico da seleção brasileira de Futebol de Sete

Disponível em http://youtu.be/PMjL5gZgbYs

Programa Especial entrevista seleção brasileira feminina de Goalball

Disponível em http://youtu.be/166kc_twJFQ

Programa Especial - "Tudo que você queria saber" com atletas de remo

Disponível em http://youtu.be/ZDaFgkMpMyk

domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2012

Programa de TV // História // Vander 13 Prefeito

Disponível em http://youtu.be/b_xaT-CttZQ

Programa de TV da chapa majoritária do PT (Vander Prefeito e Cabo Almi Vice) exibido ao meio-dia de 22 de agosto. Mais em http://www.vander13.com.br. Versão com audiodescrição para pessoas com deficiência visual.

terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012

TELAM Crecemos como el pais Audiodescripción

Disponível em http://youtu.be/VvmvWKV3_r8

Hola amigos! Desde AURA, compartimos un trabajo realizado durante este año: un video institucional de TELAM con audiodescripción.
Aceptamos y agradecemos mucho sus sugerencias y comentarios.
Seguimos creciendo!