segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012

Listening is Learning

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Description ( is the verbal depiction of key visual elements in media and live productions. Also known as "audio description" or "video description," the description of media involves the interspersion of these depictions with the program's original audio. Having access to media with description is critical for students who are blind or visually impaired. While it was developed for visually impaired audiences, description has much broader appeal and use. For sighted children, it offers a promise of a new way to promote literacy and learning. This is consistent with the pattern that repeats itself throughout the history of technological development; innovations and accommodations made for people with disabilities benefit many people without disabilities. Even Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone grew out of his efforts to assist people with hearing disabilities.

This video overviews the value to most learners of viewing video with captions and description. It was produced, captioned, and described by DP Captioning and Multimedia Solutions (

For more information about description, visit the DCMP's Listening Is Learning web site ( You will also learn how description helps specialized learners such as students with learning differences, English language learners, and children on the autism spectrum. These children benefit from its value in literacy development (e.g., vocabulary and reading) and content learning. The educational community has long embraced visual enhancements in instruction through use of videos and multimedia, but this has sometimes worked to the disadvantage of specialized learners. Description is one assistive technology that can bridge the gap.

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